Seriously-funny offers you the perfect hand of cards – a full pack, in fact – to help you embed your risk management and business improvement messages throughout your organisation with the brilliantly simple clarity and impact of world class cartoons.

YOUR risks, your priorities, your messages...

To connect with maximum effect with your workforce and achieve the best results, we help you develop your own, unique set of cartoons that reflect your unique priorities and objectives.

We work with you to understand your business and define the key messages you need to communicate.

YOUR brand, your commitment...

We develop cartoon ideas to convey the right messages in the most effective way that capture the realities of your own business, sector and activities.

YOUR cartoons, your cards, your apps

And then we produce your own, unique, branded materials that will enable you to spread your messages most effectively throughout your organisation.

We can encapsulate a wide range of messages in a full pack of playing cards or a more limited pack of other card formats, such as Tarot cards.

We can develop an app to be downloaded on tablets and smartphones, either in a simple, standard interactive format, or bespoke to you with your choice of functionality.

AND more...

We can continue to work with you to extend or change your messages, to use your cartoons on other awareness-raising corporate materials such as posters, mugs or clothing, and to develop ongoing e-communication campaigns that help maintain the momentum of training, education, awareness and performance improvement.

Drag the cards left or right to view pack